Privacy Policy

This website is owned, operated, and organized by PT Sutisna Adijaya Pradana (“We”, "EL Rey Fast Cruise", or “”), a limited company that was founded under the law of The Republic of Indonesia; We provides website and online services through the website:

This page gives you an explanation of our Policy regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data that we obtain for EL Rey Fast Cruise Website. We use your Personal Data only for the needs of developing and improving the quality of EL Rey Fast Cruise services or other reasonable needs and does not conflict with the laws and regulations in Indonesia. By providing your Personal Data to the EL Rey Fast Cruise Website, you agree to the collection and use of information contained in the Privacy Policy for this EL Rey Fast Cruise Service. In using your Personal Data, EL Rey Fast Cruise can work together with other third parties while maintaining the confidentiality aspects of your Personal Data.


By the time you access the website and/or other provided online services, it may ask you to provide some Personal Data information that we will use to identify and contact you. Personal data information including but not limited to:

  • Title
  • Name
  • Complete address
  • Country
  • Phone number / whatsapp
  • E-mail

When you use our Website, we will also process your technical data such as internet protocol address, ID (internet device identity) or media access control address, information about the manufacturer, model, and operating system from the device you use to access the site. We use this data to enable us to send the functions of the Website, resolve technical difficulties, provide you with the correct and up-to-date version of the Website and to improve the functioning of the Website.


Cookie is a text files that contain information that downloaded to your device when you visit a website. We use cookie for many reasons, such as tracking your particular data we need, tracking your transactions with our partners or associates, retracing your preferences and generally enhancing your experience when using a website. You can manage your browser to receive cookies or not.


The security of your Personal Data information is very important to us. EL Rey Fast Cruise ensures that information collected will be stored securely, but please note that there are no methods regarding data transmission over the internet or electronic storage methods that are truly 100% (one hundred percent) secure. We strive to protect your Personal Data.


Limit access to your Personal Data information; and Securely destroys your Personal Data information when we no longer need it for certain purposes.


By the time you make a payment with PayPal/credit card, You will be redirected to PayPal's website to securely complete your payment. EL Rey Fast Cruise never asks for or stores your credit card information.

LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES may contain links to other websites. You should note that we do not have any control over such other websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policy or practices of such other websites and advise you to read the privacy policy of each website you visit which collects any of your Personal Data.


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Updates to this Privacy Policy will be published on this Website. Therefore, we urge you to access this Website periodically for the latest information and updates of EL Rey Fast Cruise Services.


This Website is the sole property of EL Rey Fast Cruise. All information contained in this Website is correct at the time of entry. EL Rey Fast Cruise has full rights to load, not load, edit and / or delete existing information from time to time. Therefore, we urge you to access this Website in order to obtain the latest information on the EL Rey Fast Cruise Services.

EL Rey Fast Cruise is not responsible for the non-submission of data / information conveyed to you through various types of communication channels due to unexpected technical errors.

If there are Website users who respond to information contained in this Website, but not limited to questions, comments, suggestions or others, then it is considered to be something that is not confidential and EL Rey Fast Cruise has no obligation whatsoever regarding the response and EL Rey Fast Cruise has the freedom to produce, use, notify or share these responses without restriction.


By reading this terms, access and use the website as well as our services, then you are considered to claim to have read, understood, agreed, and declared subject to this privacy rules as well as changes that we may do. If you do not agree to this privacy rules, either entirely or in part, then you are not allowed to access this website or using services that we provide.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our Customer Service or send your email to

Contact Us

 Pertokoan Arcade Matahari Terbit No. 10,
Jl. Pantai Matahari Terbit, Sanur - Bali 80227
 +62361 - 4491372
 +62821 33 111 300

 +62821 33 111 200

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